
In January 2018, I challenged myself to read 24 books of fiction in 365 days. I hadn’t read fiction in years, too busy trying to better myself by reading self help books. But, lets face it, self help books are boring and exhausting. I wanted to have fun! I searched Amazon, Instagram, NY Times bestseller lists, my own bookshelves…crafting my ‘tbr’ or to be read list and jumped into my challenge.

I figured, in this era of over sharing, why not post on social media about the books I’d read? I started sharing my commentary, good or bad, on my personal IG and FB accounts. Some of the books lead to some personal epiphanies, which I included in my commentary, while others were just not my favorite. All and all, I enjoyed it. Responses to the post made me aware that other people either enjoyed reading as much as I or wanted to know how to get started. They had questions…maybe I have answers? Thus, this blog was born. I’ll post the reviews from 2018 and start 2019 with a goal to read 24 books, again. This time, hopefully, with you reading along.

Just fyi, on my perspective: I’m a professional, 40 something, educated, black woman from Philly, now residing in the south. I’m fond of rap music, cigars, Macallan 18, blue crabs and…Oh, and books. I’m fond of books. 😍 Cheers!

To contact me, please email me at: shes_reading_now@outlook.com

Update, July 2022:
In January, this blog will be 5 years old! Geesh! By far, I’m most asked to update this page. (Which, I tend to regard as a bit intrusive but, whateves.) Really, not much has changed since the early days. I still read what I want, when I want, and try as I might, I still post the details late af. 💁🏾‍♀️🤣 But, the details DO eventually get posted!

Turns out, I feel committed to this outlet and refuse to give up writing. irl, I have a bit of a demanding job and I consider reading a great way to decompress and clear my mind. Whether its curling up with a book, my pittie rescue and a glass of wine or, listening to a horror/thriller while gardening or doing chores..reading is still my chosen path to escaping and relieving stress. Writing the review, well, though it requires more effort on my part, I enjoy sharing about books. If me, sharing about the books I’ve read, encourages one person to read or to read something different, my purpose has been fulfilled.

Also, lets be honest, writing regularly never hurt anyone. (You can try this at home folks!)

Along the way, I’ve met and corresponded with plenty of other cool book lovers that don’t necessarily read the same type of books I do. Their book reviews/blogs have led me to read things that never would have crossed my radar but, I thoroughly enjoyed. I would encourage every one to be intentional about diversifying their reads and giving different genres and subject matter a try. Not one bad thing can come out of reading (full stop!).

My Perspective- Still the same… professional black woman, northern born and raised, southern living, full-time pittie momma, part time urban farmer, enjoys rooftop decks, vodka and Macallen (never in the same day😜), and books. Except, 5 years later, I’m much closer to 50’something, and , FYI, I ain’t mad about it! 💪🏾😘

I’ve all but sworn off most social media but, I think I’ve decided to revive a public IG page to accompany this blog. I think it will be a great way for me to share current reads and interact with book accounts I love. So, be patient with me on the update but, if you’re interested, you can find me on IG @Shes_Reading_Now.

Cheers!! 😘😘
