Children of Virtue and Vengeance #BookReview

The descriptions around characters, food, action scenes and locations: all beautiful beyond reproach. The imagery WILL transport you to the marketplace, the fights on the countryside and onto the castle grounds. The book cover itself is a work of art. We get to understand more about the Maji and their complicated history. Major uptick in action from the first novel.

My Sister, The Serial Killer #BookReview #BookChallenge

….it’s sold as a view into choosing family over everything but, I’m not sure that’s what it is. It’s a story about siblings. About how in some families, for any or whatever reason, one child can be cherished or valued over another and, how that preference, can be detrimental to the preferred child as well as the one(s) not preferred.

We Have Always Lived in the Castle

Through a teenage girl’s perspective, you begin to learn about a very well to do family in a small working class town. The oldest member and apparently well liked member of the community, was recently poisoned to death. The town, as judge and jury, has deemed the teenagers older sister as the murderer, though a real court room did not condemn her, but, judged it an accident. Sometimes, judgement by our peers is far worse than any courtroom could deliver.


In Candyland, a loner on a long drive pulls over in a town and gets caught up in..local norms, shall we say. Lol. This is a must read for anyone that enjoys long rides across states, like I do. The fun and fear is pulling over in a different spot and meeting the locals. This one combines all the neurotic things my sister thinks will happen to me when I pull over.

Jade City #BookReview

The story is staged in a country that instead of a current day mafia style gang, it has arguably, more dignified, Jade families. Jade is a powerful jewel giving the wearer enhanced senses & fighting strength. The families, it’s members & supporters are entwined in government & local businesses operating under a long running truce. The story begins when one family seeks to end the truce & expand its territory.